Learn Vocab With Fun part- 29

#everydayquiz #improveVocab
Amputate - to cut off part of body
Usage - When she went for the treatment of her burnt leg, the Doctors asked her to amputate the leg. 
Link - a(r)m+put+ate : Imagine a silly situation.tiger ATE your ARM which is PUT for eating. so your arm is CUTOFF from your body.

Amulet - charm, an object worn believed to protect against evil, bad luck
Usage - The old lady gave the girl a silver amulet to wear.
Link1 - Amul products as amulet for shiny skin.
Link2 - Grandma gave me an 'Amulet' so that one day I can 'Emulate' Michael jackson.

Anachronism - things that does not belong to the present
Usage - The typewriter is an anachronism today.
Link - ana (out of order, negative sense) + chron (time).. so something not placed correctly with respect to time. 

Anathema - a person or an idea which you strongly hate
Usage - Rain became anathema to the people of Bihar.
Link1 - Ana ki maa is an anathema to me because she always insists me to make a porn movie with her.
Link2 - sounds like asthama which is a curse like...

Analgesia - condition of being unable to feel pain
Usage - The patient was in a state of analgesia during the operation.
Link - Anal sex is painfull for girls (i guess) but the sex part makes them forget the pain anyhow which acts as analgesia.


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