Correct use of some prepositions

Study the following sentences. They contain some common mistakes in the use of prepositions.
Incorrect: This resembles to that.
Correct: This resembles that.

Incorrect: The baby resembles with her mother.
Correct: The baby resembles her mother.
The verb resemble does not take a preposition before its object.
Incorrect: He wrote me.
Correct: He wrote to me.
Incorrect: Write to me a letter.
Correct: Write me a letter.
When write has no direct object, we put to before the indirect object.
Incorrect: I shall explain them this.
Correct: I shall explain this to them.
The verb explain is followed by direct object + preposition + indirect object.
Incorrect: He invited me in dinner.
Correct: He invited me to dinner.
Invite takes the preposition to after it.

Could you please tell me which is more correct to say 'I would like to invite you to coffee' or 'I would like to invite you for coffee?'.
Invite for + activity 
Invite to + place/event

'Coffee' isn't a place or an event, so I'd agree and use 'for coffee'. 

You will see 'dinner' used with both- it depends whether you think of it as an occaion, like a dinner party, os simply the act of eating.


They've invited me to tea = a meal at about 5pm
They've invited me for tea = a cup of tea

Incorrect: He reached to the station.
Correct: He reached the station.
The verb reach does not take a preposition before its object.
Incorrect: He is favorite with his friends.
Correct: He is a favorite with his friends.
Incorrect: She did ask any question to him.
Correct: She did not ask him any question.
Ask is usually followed by indirect object + direct object.
Waste, spend
Incorrect: We should not waste much time in trifles.
Correct: We should not waste much time on trifles.
Incorrect: He spent a lot of money in daughter’s wedding.
Correct: He spent a lot of money on his daughter’s wedding.



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