Learn Vocab With Fun Part -22

#improveEnglish #Everydayquiz
Aegis - shield, with the protection or support
Usage - Without being protected by his aegis, he was prone to being killed.
Link - aegis ~ age is; if your age is too much (old), you don't have to wear condom as shield during sex.

Affable - pleasant ,kind and easy to talk to
Usage - Affable teacher tells me interesting fables.
Link - aff (affair) + able : You will be able to have an affair with a girl only if she is affable.

Affected - artificial, pretended
Usage - Her affected manner displeased him.
Link1 - Artificial smile has artificial effects on the face. 
Link2 -  affect ~ effect; side-effects of some medicine can make you affected.

Affinity - feeling of kinship, natural attraction
Usage - He had an affinity for politics. 
Link1 - Everybody has affinity for opposite sex but there is exception in every case(hope you understand).
Link2 - affinity (replace the second f with k), and then the expansion goes like this: A F(eeling of) K(inship &) similar)ITY.

Affliction - pain and suffering
Usage - She did not want to face the afflictions of old age.
Link - affliction is a friction in heart.. A very heavy feeling.. A fr(L)iction..

Affront - insult, a remark or an action that insults or offends somebody
Link - af + front.......in(front)... and whenever you insult someone in front of others you do it intentionally to hurt them.

Agape - open mouthed,  the love of God or Christ for mankind
Usage - Her agape for him finally won his heart.
Link - Gap of mouth increases when mouth was agape.

Aggrandize - increase or raise in power
Usage - The artist aggrandized his painting to make it look more real.
Link - Ram's grandfather is still aggrandizing his number of wives to enjoy.

Aghast - filled with horror and surprise
Usage - She was aghast at the verdict delivered by the jury.
Link - a + ghast ~ a + ghost; a ghost house is filled with lot of surprises and fear, so we get horrified.

Agility - able to move quickly and easily
Usage - The agility of the animal saved it from being captured.
Link1 - GILI - this is the one to watch out. gili refers to Gilchrist (a cricket player), who has the ability to move quick behind stumps.
Link2 - Agility consider it as "Age I L" i.e.; Age I Love (youth age). And in this age you are naturally agile or very quick.

Agog - very excited about something, intensely curious
Usage - She was agog with curiosity.
Link - I was agog after getting special rayban goggle from an unknown sexy girl.

Alacrity - cheerful readiness, promptness or willingness
Usage - Ram took the responsibility of being a monitor of a class with alacrity.
Link - I took a lac(lakh) rupee per day job with alacrity.

Alcove - recess, nook, a small recess opening off a larger room
Usage - We used to have our lunch at a table in an alcove in our kitchen.
Link -  alcove sounds like asshole...i think rest i clear.

Alias - an assumed name esp by criminals to mislead people.
Usage - Mr.Smith lives under the alias of Mr.Lafayette.
Link1 - Ali+as(ass)..Ali(a criminal) live under alias of other name to save his ass from policemen.
Link2 - Ali + As : so you are changing your name Ali to Asif...why?
Link3 - In computer language there is a command alias through which you can change name of any variable.


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