Reasoning Quiz For Bank and SSC CGL 11/3/2016

#everydayquiz #SSCReasoning #BankReasoning #25Questions

Directions (Q. 1-5): Given below are a pair of events (A) and (B). You have to read both the events (A) and (B) and decide their nature of relationship. You have to assume that the information given in (A) and (B) is true and you will not assume anything beyond the given information in deciding the answer. Mark answer

1) if (A) is the effect and (B) is its immediate and principal cause.
2) if (A) is the immediate and principal cause and (B) is its effect.
3) if (A) is an effect but (B) is not its immediate and principal cause.
4) if (B) is an effect but (A) is not its immediate and principal cause.
5) None of these

1. Event (A): The Centre has rejected the greater autonomy resolution of State X.
Event (B): State X has decided to bring Centre-State relations for discussion in the parliament.

2. Event (A): In village ‘X’, farmers are struggling heavy drought.
Event (B): In village ‘X’, government is implementing an agricultural development programme.

3. Event (A): People are avoiding post-paid mobile service connections.
Event (B): Prepaid mobile service connections are easily available in the market.

4. Event (A): Oil price can reach a new high in Iran.
Event (B): Demand of oil in global market is increasing.

5. Event (A): High inflation in India is not yet “the new normal” and RBI cannot afford to drop its guard.
Event (B): Despite significant actions on policy rates and liquidity by the Reserve Bank of India, inflation remains high.

Directions(6-10) Read the following information and answer the following questions.
L, M, P, J, K and H are six family members. L and M are a married couple. K is sister of J. M is daughter-in-law of H, who is grandmother of K’s brother. J is the only son of P, who is brother of L.

6. How many female members are there in the family?
1) Two
2) Three
3) Four
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

7. How is P related to K?
1) Mother
2) Brother
3) Sister
4) Father
5) None of these

8. How is H related to J?
1) Grandmother
2) Grandfather
3) Father
4) Mother
5) Can’t be determined

9. What is the relation between K and M?
1) M is the sister of K
2) K is the nephew of M
3) M is the sister of K
4) K is niece of M
5) Cannot be determined

10.Which of the following statement is true?
1) P is the daughter of H
2) K is the daughter of M
3) M is aunt of J
4) K is grandson of H
5) All are True

Directions(Q.11-15): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and * are
used with the following meaning as illustrated below.

‘A @ B’ means ‘A Is not smaller than B’
‘A # B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’

Give answer 1) : If only conclusion 1 is true
Give answer 2) : If only conclusion 2 is true
Give answer 3) : If either conclusion 1 or 2 is true
Give answer 4) : If neither conclusion 1 nor 2 is true
Give answer 5) : If both conclusions 1 and 2 are true

11) Statements : T @ V, V # M, M % F
Conclusions :  1) T # M
                          2) T @ F

12) Statements : L $ N, N * F, R % L
Conclusions :1) F # R
                        2) R $ N

13) Statements : H # I, I @ J, J $ P
Conclusions : 1) H # J
                         2) H # P

14) Statements : L * D, D # K, K $ J
Conclusions :  1) L # K
                          2) L $ K

15) Statements : Q $ W, W % E, E @ K
Conclusions : 1) Q $ K
                         2) W @ K
6- 2
7- 4
8- 1
9- 4
10- 3


SSC Reasoning

Directions (1 to 10) : Select the correct alternative from the given conclusions.
1. Statements : 
All metals are gold
All gold are silver
(a) All silver are metals
(b) All gold are metals.
(c) Some metals are silver 
(d) Both A and B.

2. Statements :
Some number are fours
All four are sixes

Conclusion : 
(a) Some sixes are  numbers.
(b) All  numbers are sixes
(c) Some fours are sixes.
(d) Both A and C.

3. Statements :
All months are Septembers.
All months are Octobers.

Conclusion :
(a) Some Octobers are Septembers
(b) All Septembers are Octobers.
(c) All Octobers are months.
(d) All Septembers are months

4. Statements 
Some corns are chillies.
Some chillies are potatoes

Conclusion :
(a) Some corns are potatoes.
(b) All potatoes are corns.
(c) All chillies are corns.
(d) None of these

5. Statements :
Some pubs are cups
Some pubs are tips

Conclusion :
(a) Some cups are tips
(b) All tips are pubs
(c) Some tips are pubs.
(d) All the three

6. Statements :
Some crystals are diamonds.
All emeralds are crystals.

Conclusion :
(a) Some emeralds are diamonds.
(b) Some crystals are emeralds
(c) All diamonds are emeralds.
(d) None of these

7. Statements : 
Non place is peace
Some peaces are plates.

Conclusion :
(a) Some peaces are places.
(b) Some plates are places.
(c) All the places are plates 
(d) None of these.

8. Statements :
All players are cricketers
No umpire is a player.

Conclusion :
(a) Some cricketers are umpires.
(b) All umpires are crickets
(c) Both A and B
(d) None of these

9. Statements :
All rows are circles.
No circle is an ellipse.

Conclusions :
(a) Some circles are rows.
(b) No row is ellipse.
(c) Some ellipses are rows.
(d) Both A and B.

10. Statements :
All states are cities.
No state is a town.

(a) Some states are cities.
(b) Some cities are towns.
(c) Some towns are not cities.
(d) Both A and B.

Answers Key:


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