English Quiz For Banks And SSC CGL 11/3/2016

#everydayquiz #Total Questions 45
#OneWord Substitution #Reading Comprehension #spottingError #FillinTheBlanks 

Directions (Q. 1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). 

1. Sugar-sweetened drinks does not 1)/ pose any particular health risk, and /2) are not a unique risk factor /3) for obesity or heart disease. 4)/ No error 5)

2. 12 Airline managements should note 1)/ that the ultimate passenger-un friendliness 2)/ is to have their planes crash 3)/ due to the adopted of unsafe procedures. 4)/ No error 5)

3. Celebrating its ten long years 1)/ in the industry, a private entertainment channel 2)/ announce a series of 3)/ programmes at a press conference. 4)/ No error 5)

4. The award ceremony ended 1)/ on a note of good cheer 2)/ with audiences responding warmly 3)/ to its line-up of films. 4)/ No error 5)

5. The actress was ordered for 1)/ wear an alcohol- monitoring bracelet and 2)/ submit to random weekly drug testing after 3)/ she failed to appear for a court date last week. 4)/ No error 5)

Directions (Q. 6-10): Each question below has two blanks each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

6. Adding to a growing body of research ________ cutting back on sweetened beverages it is now found that drinking_______ sugary drinks may help lower blood pressure.
1) for, all
2) sustaining, increased
3) against, lesser
4) behind, more
5) supporting, fewer

7. The blame game for the air tragedy is already in full ____ with the authorities involved making attempts to______ for themselves.
1) sway, defend
2) view, try
3) fledged, protect
4) swing, cover
5) roll, hide

8. The actress, wearing a dark grey suit and open necked shirt, sat ________the proceedings looking nervous throughout, occasionally frowning as' her lawyer ____ with the judge.
1) through, argued
2) on, spoke,
3) for, addressed
4) with, discussed
5) along, lectured 

9. It was an excellent social evening with people from all ____ of life getting a chance to let
___their hair.
1) areas, drop
2) realms, flow
3) arena, undone
4) walks, down
5) types, loose

10. There can be no denying the fact that in sports, star coaches have_____ the to get something extra out of their_____.
1) apprehension, work
2) ability, teams
3) fear, member
4) capability, house
5) desirous, players


1 (1) Use 'do not' in place of 'does not' 
2 (4) Use 'adoption' in place of 'adopted'
3 (3) 'announced' in place of 'announce'
4 (5) No Error
5 (1) 'to' in place of 'for'
6 (5)
7 (4)
8 (1)
9 (4)

Directions (1- 5): in the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error. Your answer is (4) i.e. No error.

1.The newer type of automatic machines (1)/ wash (2)/ the clothes faster. (3)/ No error (4)

2.By the time (1)/ we got our tickets and entered the cinema theatre, (2)/ the show was already begun. (3)/ No error (4)

3.Each of the students in the computer class (1)/ has to type (2)/ their own research paper this semester. (3)/ No error (4)

4.The fact of me (1)/being a stranger (2)/ does not excuse his conduct. (3)/ No error (4)

5.The sea looks (1)/as if it has been (2)/ agitated by a storm. (3)/ No error (4)

Directions (6 -10): in the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expressed the meaning of the given word.





Answer with Explanation: 
1.(1) It is not proper to use comparative Degree here.
Hence, “the new/latest type of automatic machines” will be correct usage.

2.(3) Here, Past Perfect should be used. Hence, “the show was already begun’ should be replaced by ‘the show had already begun”.


4.(1) Here, Objective Case should be replaced by Possessive Case. Hence, the fact of my being…… will be the correct sentence.

5.(2) ‘As if takes plural form of Verb, generally in Past Tense.
Hence, the sea looks as if it have/had been ……….. Will be correct sentence.

6.(3) The word Decamp (verb) means : to leave a place suddenly often secretly.
Hence, the words decamp and flee are synonymous.

7.(1) The word Philanthropist (Noun) means : a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money.
The word Benefactor (Noun) means : a person who gives money or other help to a person or an organization such as a school or charity.
Hence, the words philanthropist and benefactor are synonymous.

8.(2) The word Exotic (Adjective) means: from or in another country: seeming exciting and unusal because it is connected with foreign countries.
Hence, the words exotic and strange are synonymous.

9.(1) The word Incapacitate (verv) means : to make somebody/ something unable to live or work normally.
The word Cripple (verb) means : to damage somebody’s body so that they are no longer able to walk or move normally; disable Look at the sentence:
Mohan was crippled by polio as a child.
Hence, the words incapacitate and cripple are synonymous.

10.(2) The word Congregation (Noun) means: a group of people who are gathered together to worship God.
Look at the sentence: 
The congregation stood to sing the hymn.
Hence, the words congregation and meeting are synonymous.

Dirctions(1-8)In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/phrase.

1.Person who is hard to please

2.Specialist in bone or skeleton disorders

3.Very pleasing to eat.

4.The day of last judgment or end of the world.
(a) knocker                        
(b) doomsday                   

5.Diseaase prevalent in a particular locality.
(a) uncontagious              

6.Direct vote of all the selectors of the state
(b) pledge                           

7.medicine that loosen the bowels.

8.Person who is interested in antiquities.

Dirctions(9-15)In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one that best express the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

9.Bandy words with
(c)speech enthusiast                      
(d)linguistic acumen

10.Be down and out
(a)be destitute                 
(b)be tipsy                          

11.Be down in the dumps.
(a)to fall down                  
(b)to fall from grace        
(c)ever ready to talk on                
(d)appear miserable

12.Be on one’s knee
(a) kneel down to pray  
(b)kneel down to great 
(c)kneel down to kiss                    
(d)kneel down to pick up a thing

13.Play all one’s cards
(a)loosing the last penny in gambling                      
(b)a game of cards                         
(c)an ineffective cards game      
(d)use every means in one’s power
14.A prophet of doom.
(a)a godman who curses              
(b)prediction of doom
(c)a person who holds and spreads pessimistic views    
(d)a person who holds the world guilty

15.To take heart
(a)to become hopeful                  
(b)to love everyone      
(c)to take matter seriously
(d)to take interest

1. (d)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (c)
6. (a)
7. (d)
8. (a)
9. (a)
11. (d)

Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

We today revel in the idea that we are living in a world of science and science can work wonders for us. It is evident that science has revolutionised modern life. What our forefathers, half a century ago, could not even dream of, we have that on our beck and call. Electricity is a wonder and what it is doing would have appeared to be a fairy tale for our forefathers. A button is pressed, the room gets flooded with light; the fan moves, the A.C. Cools or warms the room, water is boiled or cooled even is frozen, eatables can be preserved for days. Human suffering has greatly been alleviated. Science has investigated into disease and found startling cures for them. Artificial limbs can be fitted into the disabled bodies, even kidneys, and hearts are being performed.

Machinery has eliminated human labour and made life more mechanical and less arduous. Means of communication- The fax, The E-mail, The mobile smart phones are really wonderful means given to us by science. The atomic energy it put to use for peaceful purpose can work wonders. We have begun to feel that life wirthout the modern scientific gadgets is impossible.

True, that all this has happened and we fell beholden to science and the scientists. But there is the other side of the picture too. Man has become a slave to the machines. Human labour has been minimised but that has led to a more luxurious living and lens of physical activity. Mankind has begun suffering from such elements which our hard-working fore-fathers never knew of, More and more use of machines has led to large scale unemployment. We are unnecessarily using chemicals for agriculture. The pesticides and germicides used in saving the crops are sending out such alarming signals as demolishing and dismantling the ozone layer which was protecting the earth from the evil effects of the Sun rays. The worlds is getting exposed to the situations of great alarms and dangers. GMOs are good for some crops and not so for others. Wild varieties can not be allowed to go extinct. The atomic energy is being used for destructive purposes and the nuclear explosions are causing radiations which are fatal for mankind. Can we ever forget what happened to Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan during the World War II ? Do we want to live under such further threats of large-scale devastation and destruction?

Therefore, what is necessary is that we may use science as our slave-take the utmost advantage from it but should not permit it to become our master. We have to keep the 'genie' under our control, use it for the good of mankind; cure disease with its helps explore treasures of this earth through it; communicate with one-another at the quickest pace but keep its dangerous uses under check.

Let science remain our 'slave' and not allow it to become our master. Let science like alladin's 'genie' remain in Alladin's controlling power not to overpower and be a menace to mankind........

1. Which of the following is nearest to the central idea of the given passage?
1) Science is a boon but can be a bane.
2) Science is a bane but can be a boon.
3) Science is a great tool but should be handled cautiously.
4) Science's ultimately going to enslave us.
5) Science cannot be trusted and thus should not be.

2. According to the passage, what our forefathers could not dream of, half century ago?
1) Electricity 
2) Light 
3) A.C. 
4) Transplant 
5) None of these

3. According to the passage why wild varieties can not be allowed to go extinct?
1) GMOs are good for same crops.
2) GMOs are bad for same crops.
3) World is getting exposed to the situation of great alarms.
4) Atomic energy is being used for destructive purposes.
5) Radiations are fatal for mankind.

4. According to the passage, which of the following is an unwanted side effect of man becoming slave to the machinery?
1) Human labour has been minimised. 
2) More luxurious living.
3) less physical activity 
4) suffering from new ailments
5) large scale unemployment.

5. Which of the following has been referred as 'genie' in the passage?
1) Science 
2) Mankind 
3) Earth 
4) Alladin 
5) World war II

Direction: Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/ group of words printed in bold as used in the passage-

6. Eatables
1) Frozen foods 
2) Junk Food 
3) Packaged Food 
4) Food items 
5) Healthy Food

7. Startling
1) Amazing 
2) Obvious 
3) New 
4) Alternate 
5) Classical

8. Eliminated
1) Rejected 
2) Accepted 
3) Embraced 
4) Ended 
5) Encouraged

Direction: Choose the word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage-

9. Destruction
1) Construction 
2) Obstruction 
3) Concentration 
4) Devastation 
5) Deprivation

1) Classical 
2) Traditional
3) Contemporary
4) Arcane
5) Catchy

1. 3
2. 5
3. 2
4. 4
5. 1
6. 4
7. 1
8. 4
9. 1

10. 2


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