SSC CGL GA/GS Quiz and RRB(railway) GA/GS Quiz 8/3/2016

#everydayquiz #sscgk #RRB

In an oxygen molecule, two atoms are united by
(a) one bond (b) two bond
(c) three bonds (d) four bonds

Bcz oxygen molecule has two valency
Any metals can form their bond acrdn to their valency

The Nobel gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing is:
(a) Neon (b) Krypton
(c) Argon (d) Helium

How many neutrons are in 92U^238 atom?
(a) 92 (b) 238
(c) 146 (d) 330
238-92 = 146

Electron = proton = 92

Proton + neutron = 238

Root pressure is measured by
(a) Barometer (b) Atmometer
(c) Manometer (d) Auxanometer

An instrument that measures rate of evaporation of water

An instrument for measuring the pressure acting on a column of fluid, especially one with a U-shaped tube of liquid in which a difference in the pressures acting in the two arms of the tube causes the liquid to reach different heights in the two arms.

The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is:
(a) Ca3(PO4)2 (b) CaF2
(c) Ca3(BO3)2 (d) Ca(NO3)2

Cell becomes turgid because of
(a) Plasmolysis (b) Exosmosis
(c) Endosmosis (d) Diffusion
Swollen and distended or congested

C ryt

The process of imbibition involves
(a) Diffusions (b) Capillary action
(c) Absorption (d) Both (a) & (b)

A cell increases in volume when it is placed in
(a) Hypertonic solution (b) Hypotonic solution
(c) Isotonic solution (d) None of these
(B) A hypotonic solution is any solution that has a lower osmotic pressure than another solution. In the biological fields, this generally refers to a solution that has less solute and more water than another solution.

Which Indian University bagged Best Research Award at 100th Indian Science Congress?
(a) University of Delhi (b) University of Kashmir
(c) University (d) University Sikkim

In the balance of payments accounts, unrequited receipts and payments are also regarded as
(a) bilateral transfers (b) unilateral transfers
(c) capital accounts transfers (d) invisibles transfers

If average cost falls, marginal cost
(a) increases at a higher rate (b) falls at the same rate
(c) increases at a lower rate (d) falls at higher rate
Marginal cost is the change in total cost when another unit is produced; average cost is the total cost divided by the number of goods produced.

Relationship Between Average and Marginal Cost
1.When the average cost declines, the marginal cost is less than the average cost.
2.When the average cost increases, the marginal cost is greater than the average cost.
3.When the average cost stays the same (is at a minimum or maximum), the marginal cost equals the average cost.

Which was the second capital of Akbar?
(a) Delhi (b) Agra
(c) Fateh-Pur-Sikri (d) Patna

What is the ancient school of law?
(a) The philosophical school (b) The historical school
(c) The analytical school (d) The Sociological school

Which of the following is the inalienable attribute of the parliamentary system of government?
(a) Flexibility of the Constitution
(b) Fusion of Executive and Legislature
(c) Judicial Supremacy
(d) Parliamentary Sovereignty
b) Fusion of Executive and Legislature
The process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.

Which one of the following disburses long term loans to private industry in India?
(a) Food Corporations of India
(b) Life Insurance Corporation of India
(c) Primary Credit Society
(d) Land Development Banks

A philosophy that the worker should share in industrial decisions is termed as
(a) industrial democracy (b) worker sovereignty
(c) industrial socialism (d) industrial dictatorship
industrial democracy is an arrangement which involves workers making decisions, sharing responsibility and authority in the workplace

In Presidential Government, the president is
(a) independent of the legislature
(b) dependent of the legislature
(c) dependent on the judiciary
(d) bound by the advice of the Council of Ministers

When was the Geological survey of India established?
(a) 1841 (b) 1851
(c) 1941 (d) 1951
The Geological Survey of India (GSI), established in 1851, is a government organisation in India which is an office attached to the Ministry of Mines of Union Government of India for conducting geological surveys and studies. It is one of the oldest of such organisations in the world and the second oldest survey in the country. The GSI is the prime provider of basic earth science information to the government, industry and the general public, as well as responsive participant in international geoscientific fora, the vibrant steel, coal, metals, cement and power industries.

The first short based integrated steel plant in the country is
(a) Vijaynagar (b) Salem
(c) Vishakapatnam (d) Bhadravati

Who introduced the Indian University Act?
(a) Lord Curzon (b) Lord Minto
(c) Lord Morelay (d) Lord Rippon

Chinese travellers visited India primarily because
(a) they were interested in Buddhism
(b) they were invited by the Indians Kings
(c) they were interested to study Indian culture
(d) they were interested to stay in India

Who constructed SanchiStupa?
(a) Chandragupta (b) Kautilya
(c) gautam Buddha (d) Ashok
MP bhopal

Beak is formed by
(a) cheeks (b) jaws
(c) teeth (d) none
Each of the upper and lower bony structures in vertebrates forming the framework of the mouth and containing the teeth.

Stationary wave is formed by
(a) a transverse wave superposing a longitudinal wave
(b) two waves of the same speed superposing
(c) two waves of same frequency travelling in the same direction
(d) two waves of the same frequency travelling in the opposite direction
(d) two waves of the same frequency travelling in the opposite direction

Who was the founder of the gupta dynasty?
(a) Chandragupta I (b) Srigupta
(c) Samundragupta (d) Skandgup

Who discovered the Indus Valley Civilization?
(a) Sir Leonard Wooley (b) V.S. Agrawal
(c) DayaramSahni (d) A.L. Basham

The concept of tissue culture was introduced by
(a) Halfmeister (b) Hanstein
(c) Haberlandt (d) Hanning

If both the mass and the velocity of a body is increased to twice of their magnitude, the kinetic energy will increase by
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times
(c) 8 times (d) 12 times
isse C kese aaya,, 1/2*2*4 =4 aaya na
1/2 mv^2
to pehle wali bhi to 1/2 hui 0.5 se 4( means 8 times original)


The crops which require high temperature and are grown with help of irrigation is :
(a) Zaid (b) Rabi
(c) Monsoon (d) kharif
Option(A) On the Indian sub-continent, the crops grown on irrigated lands which do not have to wait for monsoons, in the short duration between Rabi and Kharif crop season, mainly from March to June, are called Zaid

The largest expanse of tropical forest is found in:
(a) Zaire Basin (b) South East Asia
(c) Indian Sub-continent (d) Amazon Basin

Which country has the highest density of population?
(a) China (b) India
(c) Indonesia (d) Bangladesh

Husain sagar lake is located at
A) hyderabad
B) bangluru
C) jaipur
D) none

In which one of the following economic activities does Kerala specialize?
(a) Forestry (b) Plantation
(c) Fishing (d) Light manufacturing industry

At which place of Haryana did Lord Krishna preach the message of Geeta ?
Yamuna nagar

Auxin is a:
(a) Growth regulator (b) Growth inhibitor
(c) Insecticide (d) Anti-transpirant
it is plant harmone helps in elongation of cells in stems.

Genetic variation occurring in in vitro culture of plant tissue is known as:
(a) somatic variation (b) Somaclonal variation
(c) Clonal variation (d) none of the above.

What is unique in humans?
(a) Upright posture (b) Use of tools
(c) Social Structure (d) Articulated speech

Ink is prepared from
a. Dye
b. Tannin
c. Starch
d. Latex

ELISA- Test is used in detecting the presence of:
(a) Vitamins (b) Carbohydrates.
(c) Fats (d) Enzymes
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, an immunological assay technique making use of an enzyme bonded to a particular antibody or antigen.

Most damaging part of UV radiation is:
(a) UV-A (b) UV-B
(c) UV-C (d) All are equally damaging.

An electrically charged body placed initially at rest in a uniform electric field will move with:
(a) constant speed
(b) Constant acceleration
(c) Increasing acceleration
(d) decreasing acceleration

Viscosity is the property of a liquid by virtue of which it.
(a) maintains the relative motion between two different layers
(b) opposes the relative motion between two different layers
(c) produces acceleration between different layers
(d) spreads in all directions

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