GK Questions SSC CGL Pre 2011 part-1

  1. Reflection
  2. Refraction
  3. Interference
  4. Illumination
Answer (d). 

2. The coral reefs are the marine counterparts of
  1. Temperate forests
  2. Tropical rain forests
  3. Savannahs
  4. Scrublands
Answer (b). 

3. The Refrigerant 'FREON' is
  1. Calcium Tetra Flouride
  2. Diflouro Dichloro Methane
  3. Flourspar and Felspar
  4. Hydrofluosilicic Acid
Answer (b). 

4. In the budget speech on February 28, 2011, the Finance Minister has announced that an international award with prize money of Rs. 1 crore is being instituted in the memory of Rabindranath Tagore for promoting
  1. international peace
  2. emancipation of underprivileged
  3. universal brotherhood
  4. human rights
Answer (c). 

5. The strong earthquake-cum-tsunami which has moved Japan's main island Honshu by a few feet has also caused Earth's axis to wobble by about
  1. 1 inch
  2. 2 inches
  3. 4 inches
  4. 6 inches
Answer (c). 

6. WIKILEAKS, a whistleblowers website is an international organisation based in
  1. U.S.A.
  2. U.K.
  3. Sweden
  4. Norway
Answer (c). 

7. 'Nomadic Elephant' was the joint military exercise held some time back in India between India and
  1. China
  2. U.S.A.
  3. Russia
  4. Mongolia
Answer (d). 

8. The maximum limit on poll expenditure for parliamentary constituencies has been raised in February, 2011 to
  1. 30 lakhs
  2. 35 lakhs
  3. 40 lakhs
  4. 50 lakhs
Answer (c). 

9. Who received Sangeet Natak Akademi's Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar for Dance in 2009?
  1. Omkar Shrikant Dadarkar
  2. Ragini Chander Shekar
  3. Abanti Chakravorty and Sukracharya Rabha
  4. K. Nellai Manikandan
Answer (b). 

10. Which of the folloiwng folk dances is associated with Jammu and Kashmir?
  1. Jhora
  2. Veedhi
  3. Rauf
  4. Suisini
Answer (c). 

11. Which of the following books has been written by Kamala Das?
  1. Witness the Night
  2. The Red Devil
  3. Earth and Ashes
  4. Tonight, This Savage Rite
Answer (d). 

12. Who invented the Jet Engine?
  1. Karl Benz
  2. Sir Frank Whittle
  3. Thomas Savery
  4. Michael Faraday
Answer (b).

13. South-South dialogue is associated with
  1. Co-operation among developing nations
  2. Arms conference
  3. Summit meeting between developed and developing countries
  4. All the above
Answer (a). 

14. The reserves held by Commercial Banks over and above the statutory minimum, with the RBI are called
  1. Cash reserves
  2. Deposit reserves
  3. Excess reserves
  4. Momentary reserves
Answer (c). 

15. Who is authorised to issue coins in India?
  1. Reserve Bank of India
  2. Ministry of Finance
  3. State Bank of India
  4. India Overseas Bank
Answer (a). The Government of India has the sole right to mint coins. The responsibility for coinage vests with the Government of India in terms of the Coinage Act, 1906 as amended from time to time. The designing and minting of coins in various denominations is also the responsibility of the Government of India. Coins are minted at the four India Government Mints at Mumbai, Alipore(Kolkata), Saifabad(Hyderabad), Cherlapally (Hyderabad) and NOIDA (UP).
The coins are issued for circulation only through the Reserve Bank in terms of the RBI Act.

16. Which four countries are called the Asian Tigers?
  1. Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan
  2. Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Taiwan
  3. Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, China
  4. Hong Kong, South Korea, China, Taiwan
Answer (a). 

17. In the Budget Estimates for 2011-12, an allocation of Rs. 300 crore has been made for promoting output of pulses in 60,000 villages in rainfed areas with a view to attaining self sufficiency in pulses in a period of
  1. two years
  2. three years
  3. four years
  4. five years
Answer (b). 

18. In the budget for 2011-12 presented by the Finance Minister on 28-2-2011, the growth rate for the year 2010-11 was projected at
  1. 7.6%
  2. 8.0%
  3. 8.6%
  4. 9.0%
Answer (c). 

19. The 'break-even' point is where
  1. marginal revenue equals marginal cost
  2. average revenue equals average cost
  3. total revenue equals total cost
  4. none of the above
Answer (c). 

20. The method of Impeachment of the President of India is adopted from
  1. U.S.A.
  2. U.K.
  3. U.S.S.R.
  4. France
Answer (a). 

21. In the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India, which languages were added subsequently?
  1. English, Sindhi, Marathi, Sanskrit
  2. Sanskrit, Sindhi, Konkani, Manipuri
  3. Sindhi, Konkani, Manipuri, Nepali
  4. Marathi, Oriya, Konkani, Nepali
Answer (c). Maithili, Dogri, Bodo and Santhali are other languages which have been added to the Eighth Schedule, which originally listed only 14 languages in 1950. 

22. Indian Parliament Means
  1. Rajya Sabha - Lok Sabha
  2. Rajya Sabha - Lok Sabha - Prime Minister
  3. President of India - Rajya Sabha - Lok Sabha
  4. President of India - Vice-President of India - LOk Sabha - Rajya Sabha
Answer (c).

23. Generally, the soil of the northern plains of India has been formed by
  1. degradation
  2. aggradation
  3. weathering in situ
  4. erosion
Answer (b). 

24. Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of
  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Chandragupta II
  3. Harshavardhana
  4. Rudradaman
Answer (c). India has had many visitors in the past like Fahien, Alberuni, Megasthenes, St. Thomas.

25. The Muslim adventurer who destroyed the Nalanda University was
  1. Alla-ud-din Khilji
  2. Muhammad-bin-Tughlak
  3. Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar
  4. Muhammad-bin-Quasim
Answer (c). 

26. Painting reached its highest level of development during the reign of
  1. Akbar
  2. Aurangzeb
  3. Jahangir
  4. Shah Jahan
Answer (c). 

27. The communal electorate was introduced for the first time in India in
  1. 1919
  2. 1935
  3. 1906
  4. 1909
Answer (d). 

28. The two states which had non-Congress Ministries in 1937 were
  1. Bengal and Punjab
  2. Punjab and NWFP
  3. Madras and Central Provinces
  4. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
Answer (a). 

29. Sea breeze is formed during
  1. Day time
  2. Night time
  3. Both
  4. Seasonal
Answer (a). During daytime land heats up more quickly than water and the air above it rises allowing for air above the sea to blow towards the land. This is known as sea breeze. After sunset land cools down more quickly than water and hence land breeze blows during the night.

30. What percentage of world's freshwater is stored as glacial ice?
  1. 50%
  2. 10%
  3. 70%
  4. 30%
Answer (c). 

31. Which one of the following rivers of India does not make a delta?
  1. Ganges
  2. Godavari
  3. Mahanadi
  4. Tapti
Answer (d). 

32. Which one of the following states has the longest coastline?
  1. Maharashtra
  2. Tamilnadu
  3. Gujarat
  4. Andhra Pradesh
Answer (c). 

33. The pass located in Himachal Pradesh is
  1. Shipkila
  2. Zojila
  3. Nathula
  4. Jelepla
Answer (a). 

34.  Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
CropsProducing state
(a) Tea(1) Himachal Pradesh
(b) Sugarcane(2) Assam
(c) Groundnut(3) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Apple(4) Gujarat
  1. a - 2; b - 4; c - 1; d - 3
  2. a - 2; b - 3; c - 4; d - 1
  3. a - 3; b - 2; c - 1; d - 4
  4. a - 4; b - 3; c - 1; d - 2
Answer (b).

35. An example of false fruit is
  1. Apple
  2. Guava
  3. Mango
  4. Tomato
Answer (a). An accessory fruit (also called false fruit or spurious fruit) is a fruit in which some of the flesh is derived not from the ovary but from some adjacent tissue exterior to the carpel. Examples of accessory tissue are the receptacle of strawberries, figs, or mulberries, Pomes, such as apples and pears.

36. Normal fasting blood sugar level per 100 ml. of blood in man is
  1. 30 - 50 mg
  2. 50 - 70 mg
  3. 80 - 100 mg
  4. 120 - 140 mg
Answer (c). 

37. Rate of interest is determined by
  1. The rate of return on the capital invested
  2. Central Government
  3. Liquidity preference
  4. Commercial Banks
Answer (c). 

38. The vector of disease sleeping sickness is
  1. sand-fly
  2. house-fly
  3. fruit-fly
  4. tse-tse fly
Answer (d). 

39. For how many years have the dinosaurs been extinct?
  1. About 25 million years
  2. About 65 milion years
  3. About 100 million years
  4. About 135 million years
Answer (b). 

40. A geostationary satellite revolves round the earth from
  1. East to West
  2. West to East
  3. North to South
  4. South to North
Answer (b). A geo-stationary satellite is stationary with respect to the earth and in order to be so, it must revolve alongwith the earth. Since the direction of earth's rotation is from west to east, the same is the case with a geo-stationary satellite.

41. Among the following materials sound travels fastest in
  1. Steel
  2. Air
  3. Vacuum
  4. Water
Answer (a). 

42. The rear side of the moon was photographed by
  1. Viking I
  2. Viking II
  3. Luna III
  4. Mariner IX
Answer (c). 

43. Which phenomenon do bats or dolphins use to find prey, predators or obstacles?
  1. Refraction of sound
  2. Formation of beats
  3. Scattering
  4. Echo location
Answer (d). 

44. What did the first electronic digital computer contain?
  1. Transistors
  2. Valves
  3. Core memory
  4. Semiconductor memory
Answer (b). 

45. Microsoft Office's personal information manager is
  1. Outlook
  2. Internet Explorer
  3. Organiser
  4. Access
Answer (a). 

46. Hard steel contains
  1. 2 to 5 per cent carbon
  2. 0.5 to 1.5 per cent carbon
  3. 0.1 to 0.4 per cent carbon
  4. 0.01 to 0.04 per cent carbon
Answer (b). 

47. Cement is formed by strongly heating a mixture of
  1. limestone and graphite
  2. limestone and clay
  3. chalk and graphite
  4. clay and graphite
Answer (b). 

48. Glass is a
  1. superheated solid
  2. supercooled liquid
  3. supercooled gas
  4. superheated liquid
Answer (b). 

49. The temperature of oxy-acetylene flame is around
  1. 2800o C
  2. 3200o C
  3. 4000o C
  4. 1500o C
Answer (b). Oxy-acetylene flame is the only gas flame that is hot enough to melt all commercial metals. The flame is used in metal welding by bringing two pieces of metal together. The touching edges are melted by the flame with or without the addition of filler rod.

50. Which is the most stable eco-system?
  1. Desert
  2. Ocean
  3. Mountain
  4. Forest
Answer (a).


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