Daily Wordlist 30/12/2015

#everydayquiz   #improveEnglsih #increase Vocabpower

1.Concord(N):एकता  Agreement between two
Synonyms- mutual,harmony
Use-The symbol of Concord was two right hands joined together.

2.Desultory(Adj):lacking in consistency  अनियमित
Synonyms- erratic, deviating
Use-After a few minutes of desultory conversation, the politial left.

3.Inculcate(V):  मन में बिठाना teach persistently and earnestly
Synonyms- ingrain, instill
Use-The authors of the New Comedy - strongly inculcate humanity.

4.Subtle(Adj): Delicate, quiet रहस्यपूर्ण,  संवेदी
Synonyms- ingenious, exquisite
Use-A subtle atmosphere distinguishes a town in England from a town in France.

5.Effulgent(Adj):दीप्तिमान Shining forth brilliantly
Synonyms- blazing, flaming
Use-She was so large and effulgent that one hardly missed the sun.

6.Cynosure(N): आकर्षण-बिन्दु a person or thing that attracts
Synonyms- luminary,luminary
Use-He was like one transformed, the cynosure of all initiated in the mysteries of this divinity.

7.Cavil(V):दोष ढूंढना Fault finding
Synonyms- criticize, carp
Use-Dalton liked sympathy too well to cavil about his title to it

8.Grouse(N):  असंतोष,  शिकवा  Complaint
Synonyms- grievance, hardship
Use-Sometimes we go together on the hills after grouse.

9.Tremulous(Adj):काँपता हुआ Timorous
Synonyms- nervousness, fearful
Use-The girl gave a frightened cry, then a tremulous little sob of joy.

10.Pusillanimous(Adj):  डरपोक Fearful
Synonyms- cowardly, tame
Use-A blind faith is only one remove from a pusillanimous skepticism.


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