Computer Tricks

One of our friend asked abt the difference between assembler and compiler.Here below is the detailed description in simple words....
1st of all programmig languages are 3 types. 
1. Machine language
2. Assembly language
3. High Level language

Machine language is that language which is understood by the comp. without translation. It is written as strings of binary 1's and 0's.
1. Machine dependent
2. Difficult to programme
3. Error prone
4. Difficult to modify
The 2nd is the Assembly language which is that which allows the use of lettrs and symbols instead of numbers (unlike that of machine language) for representating instructions. In otherwords here alphanumeric codes (mnemonic codes) is used instead of number code.
But a ptoblem arises here that a computer can directly execute (understand) machine laguage. So we must translate an assembly language programme into its equivalent machine language programme before execution. This translator is called ASSEMBLER.
It overcomes almost all shortcomings of both machine and assembly language. This language focussed on the logic of problem rather than the details of the internal structure of the computer (and thus is obvious a advantage over the previous two languages which purely rely on the inetrnal structure of the computer).
This HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE enables users to write instructions using english words and familiar mathematical symbols and expressions.
But it is important to note that each statement of high level language is normally a macro instructions that is translated into several machine level language instructions before execution.
Here the word COMPILER comes. It is that translator programme which translates a high level language into its equivalent machine level language ptogramme.
Inaddition to this, compiler also detects and indicate certain types of errors in the prigramme and they are called SYNTAX ERROR.
Another term need to be described along with these abive description. That is INTERPRETER.
It is another type of translator to translate a high level language into its equivalent machine level language programme but one statement at a time. It takes one statement of high level language, programme it, and then translate it into machine language instructions and so on till the end of the programme.
This INTERPRETER is on its upperhand than the other two in the following ways...
1. Machine independent
2. Easy to maintain
3. Easy to learn and use
Apart from the advantages of the high level langauges some other more betrr languages that is now the on the main focus is the OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (OOP).
I think and expecting all your doubts about the above said doubts will be cleared with the above descriptions.
Thank You
contributed by hemant

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