Important English Quiz-1 SSC Cgl -2018

#daily 115Questions
Error-20 synonym-12 antonym-12 Ows-16 blank-16  Sentence Improvement-16

Spotting Error

1. You must either (1)/ be regular with your studies (2)/ and study
for longer period before the examination. (3)/ No error (4)


2. The new taxation rates (1)/ announced by the government (2)/
are bound to effect the export sector. (3)/ No error (4)

2. (3) affect will replace effect because effect (Verb) : to make something happen; to bring
affect (Verb) : to produce a change in somebody/
Look at the examples given below :
These changes will give us the power to effect change.
Your opinion will not affect my decision.
Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar.
The report shows the effect (Noun) of noise on people
in the factories.
Hence, are bound to affect the export sector is the
right usage

3. These days, job opportunities are not as better (1)/ as they used to
be (2)/ in the early 70's. (3)/ No error (4)

3. (1) good will replace better because the pattern used with as — as (Adv.) is as follows :
as + Adj. (in Positive Degree) + as
good ® Positive Degree (no comparison is made)
better ® Comparative Degree (two things are
best ® Superlative Degree (more than two things are
as — as ® used for expressing similarity between one
person/thing and another.
Look at the examples given below :
Shyam is as rich as Ram.
He does not play as well as his sister.
Hence, These days, job opportunities are not as good
is the right usage

4. When viewed with his point of view, the (1) / entire episode assumes (2)/ a different colour altogether. (3)/ No error (4)

4. (1) from will replace with because from (Prep.) is used for showing somebody’s point of
from one’s point of view : as far as one is concerned
Look at the examples given below :
From a financial point of view the project was a disaster.
From my point of view, the party was a complete
Hence, when viewed from his point of view, the is
the right usage

5. On many occasions (1)/ we did helped the poor (2)/ people by
way of giving them food to eat and clothes to put on. (3)/ No
error (4)

5. (2) help will replace helped because do/does/did (Aux. V.) is used when no other Aux. V.
is Present, to emphasize what you are saying.
The pattern used with do/does/did is as follows :
do/does/did + Main Verb (Base form) did + help
(Base form) of help (Verb) will be used.
Look at the examples given below :
He does look tired.
She did at least write to say thank you.
I do want to be sure.
Hence, we did help the poor is the right usage

6. Unless it is accepted to both the parties, an (1)/ arbitrator would
be of no (2)/ use to settle this dispute. (3)/ No error (4)

6. (1) acceptable will replace accepted/by will replace
to because accepted (Verb) : to agree/approve of something
acceptable (Adj.) : agreed/approved by most people
in a society; agreeable; capable of being accepted
Look at the examples given below :
The princess accepted the offer. (Active Voice)
The offer was accepted by the princess. (Passive Voice)
The offer was acceptable to the princess.
Hence, acceptable to/accepted by will be used.
Hence, Unless it is accepted by/ acceptable to both
the parties, an is the right usage

7. Although the manager was keen on getting the work (1)/ done
through Sudhir yesterday, (2)/ he tries to avoid it (3)/ No error (4)

7. (3) tried will replace tries because –
The Principal clause is in Past Tense and the sentence
expresses a past action.
Look at the examples given below :
The teacher told us that he would take us for a picnic
next day.
My father gave me the book which I wanted .
Hence, he tried to avoid it is the right usage

8. The various consequences of(1)/ the decision taken by the (2)/ finance ministry was not foreseen by the bureaucrats. (3)/ No error (4)

8. (3) were will replace was because –
The various consequences (Main Subject) is in Plural .

Hence, the Verb will also be in Plural as a Verb agrees
with its Subject in Number.
Singular Subject ® Singular Verb (Main Verb + S )
Plural Subject ® Plural Verb (Main Verb without S )

9. I never considered him to be a person who would (1)/ go back
on his promise and (2)/ then do not even apologise. (3)/ No error (4)

9. (3) do (Aux. V.) will not be used because –
Each clause has to be structured in a way that is a
complete sentence on its own.
Look at the structure below :
I never considered him to be a person who would go
back on his promise. (Sentence I)
I never considered him to be a person who would not
even apologize. (Sentence II)

Combining the two sentences –
I never considered him to be person who would go
back on his promise and not even apologise.
Hence, not even apologise is the right usage.
Use of –
would do not even apologize is incorrect.

10. Having finished at school (1)/ Raghu thought/ of going to
Bombay in (2)/ search some job.(3)/ No error (4)

10. (3) of (Prep.) will be used after search because
in search of (Idiom) : looking for
Look at the examples given below :
They went to California in search of gold.
She went into the kitchen in search of a drink.
Hence, in search of some job is the right usage

11. When shall we (1)/ arrive (2)/ to our destination ? (3)/ No
error. (4)

11. (3) at will replace to because –
We usually say that someone arrives at a place/arrives
in a country/city
Look at the examples given below:
We arrived at the station at 3 o'clock.
The President arrived in Rome today.
Use of arrive to is incorrect.
Hence, at our destination is the right usage.

12. Based on the newspaper reports, (1)/ we can conclude that (2)/
many accidents caused by reckless driving. (3)/ No error. (4)

12. (3) are will be used after accidents

13. Females (1)/ are not appointed (2)/ in our college. (3)/ No
error. (4)

13. (4) No error

14. The officer (1)/ is angry on the clerk (2)/ for not attending to
the work. (3)/ No error. (4)

14. (2) with will replace on because angry (Adj.) : feeling or showing anger (usually followed
by at, with , or about (Prep.)
Look at the examples given below :
The girl felt angry at the injustice of the situation.
I was angry with myself for making silly mistakes.
We use angry at/about (something) and angry with
Hence, is angry with the clerk is the right usage

15. No sooner (1)/ I had spoken, (2) than he left. (3)/ No error. (4)

15. (2) had I will replace I had because –
When a negative Adverb/Adverbial Expression (no
sooner, hardly/barely/scarcely), is used at the
beginning of a clause; it is followed by Aux. Verb +

16. Computer education (1)/ in universities and colleges (2) leaves
much to be desired. (3)/ No error. (4)

16. (3) more will replace much because –
more (Adv.) : in addition; to a greater extent (needs to
be done/is desired)
more ® Comparative Degree
much ® Positive Degree
most ® Superlative Degree
Look at the examples given below :
People watch T.V. more than is needed.
She needs to be given more time than is allotted.
Hence, leaves more to be desired is the right usage.

17. You will be prosecuted (1)/ for bringing seeds (2)/ into Australia. ( (3)/ No error. (4)

17. (3) In/from will replace into because –
in (Prep.) is used for indicating within a place
from (Prep. ) is used for indicating source/origin
into (Prep.) is used for indicating entry, inclusion, or
introduction in a place
Look at the examples given below :
He walked into the room.
The train was coming from Australia.
They were bringing drugs in India, for which they were
Prosecute (Verb) : to officially charge somebody with
a crime in court
Hence, in/from Australia is the right usage.

18. You must either tell me (1)/ the whole story or, at least (2)/ the
first half of it. (3)/ No error. (4)

18. (1) either will be used after tell me because either —
or is the right pair of correlative Conjunction like
neither — nor.
It shows a relationship between two things or two
Either comes after the Verb when the two actions
mentioned are similar (they share the same Verb)
Either comes before the Verb when the two actions
mentioned are different.
Look at the examples given below :
She wants to play either tennis or volleyball.
She wants to either go shopping or relax in the park.
Hence, you must tell me either is the right usage

19. Our new neighbours (1)/ had been living in Arizona (2)/ since
ten years before moving to their present house. (3)/ No error. (4)

19. (3) for will replace since because –
for (Prep.) indicates a length of time
Since (Prep.) indicates a past time until a later time,
or until now
Look at the examples given below :
I have lived in Bangalore for twenty-five years.
I had been living in Bangalore since 1964.
Hence, for ten years before moving to their present
house is the right usage.

20. The patient (1)/ was accompanied (2)/ with his friend. (3)/
No error. (4)

20. (3) by will replace with because –
by (Prep.) is used for indicating the agent/object after a Passive Verb
Agent/Object ® his friend
Passive Verb ® accompanied
With (Prep.) indicates being in the company of
Look at the examples given below :
His friend stayed with him in the hospital.
He was knocked down by a bus.
Hence, by his friend is the right usage

(1) depressing (2) disgusting
(3) arrogant (4) filthy

1. (2) disgusting (Adjective) : ektremely unpleasant
obnoxious (Adjective) : extremely unpleasant; offensive
depressing (Adjective) : making
one feel sad and without enthusiasm
arrogant (Adjective) : behaving
in a proud, unpleasant way,
filthy (Adjective, Adverb):
showing little thought for other
people; very dirty and unpleasant

(1) case (2) coupon
(3) contract (4) settlement

2. (3) contract (Noun, Verb) : an
official written agreement
covenant (Noun) : a promise to
somebody; a legal agreement
case (Noun, Verb) : a particular
coupon (Noun) : a small piece
of printed paper that can be exchanged for something or that
gives one the right to buy at a
cheaper price than normal
settlement (Noun) : an official
agreement that ends an argument
between two people or groups

(1) indifference (2) sympathy
(3) respect (4) flattery

3. (3) respect (Noun) : a feeling
of admiration for somebody/
something because of his/its
good qualities/achievements
deference (Noun) : behaviour
that shows that you respect
indifference (Noun) : a lack of
interest, feeling or reaction towards somebody/something
sympathy (Noun) : the feeling
of being sorry for somebody;
showing that you understand
and care about somebody’s problems
flattery (Noun) : praise that is
not sincere

(1) repeal (2) destroy
(3) delay (4) dismiss

4. (1) repeal (verb) : if a government
or other group or person with
authority repeals a law, that law
is no longer valid
abrogate (Verb) : to officially end
a law, an agreement etc.
destroy (Verb) : to damage
something so badly that it no
longer exists, works etc.
delay (Noun, Verb) : a period of
time when somebody/something
has to wait because of a problem
that makes something slow or
dismiss (Verb) : to decide that
somebody/something is not important and not worth thinking
or talking about 

(1) ambitious (2) determined
(3) talkative (4) fearless

5. (4) fearless (Adjective) : not
intrepid (Adjective) : very
brave; not afraid of danger or difficulties.
ambitious (Adjective) : something that one wants to do or
achieve very much; determined to
be successful, rich, powerful, etc.
determined (Adjective) : if one
is determined to do something,
one has to make a firm decision
to do it and no one can stop/
prevent you
talkative (Adjective) : liking to
talk a lot

(1) magnificence (2) admiration
(3) happiness (4) awe

6. (1) magnificence (noun) : the
quality of being extremely attractive and impressive
grandeur (Noun) : the quality of
being great and impressive in appearance; splendour
admiration (Noun) : a feeling of
respect for somebody/something
happiness (Noun) : the good feeling that one has when one is
happy or one has achieved something
awe (Noun) : feeling of respect
and slight fear

(1) initiative (2) beginning
(3) initial (4) origin

7. (2) beginning (Noun) : the time
when something starts
inception (Noun) : the start of
an institution or organisation
initiative (Noun) : a new plan
for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular
purpose ; the ability to decide
and act on your own without
waiting for somebody to tell you
what to do
initial (Adjective) : happening
at the beginning
origin (Noun) : the point from
which something starts

(1) famous (2) vigorous
(3) energetic (4) enormous

8. (4) enormous (adjective) :
extremely large in size or amount
colossal (Adjective) : extremely
famous (Adjective) : known
about by many people
vigorous (Adjective) : very active ;
determined ; full of energy
energetic (Adjective) : having a
lot of energy and enthusiasm

(1) Paradise (2) question
(3) puzzle (4) challenge

9. (3) puzzle (Noun) : a game; something that is difficult to understand or explain
paradox (Noun) : a person, thing
or situation that has two opposite features and therefore
seems strange; a statement containing two opposite ideas that
make it seem impossible
paradise (Noun) : a perfect place
where people are said to go
when they die
question (Noun) : a sentence,
phrase or word that asks for information
challenge (Noun) : a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s
ability and skill

(1) progression (2) prohibit
(3) stipulate (4) reproduce

10. (4) reproduce (Verb) : to produce
something again ; to make something happen again in the same
proliferate (Verb) : to increase
rapidly in number or amount;
progression (Noun) : the process of developing gradually from
one stage to another
prohibit (Verb) : to stop something from being done or used,
especially by law
stipulate (Verb) : to state clearly
and firmly that something must
be done or how it must be done

(1) criticize (2) appreciate
(3) blame (4) abuse

11. (1) criticize (Verb) : to say that
you disapprove of somebody/
censure (Verb) : to criticize
somebody severely often publicly ;
appreciate (Verb) : to recognize
the good qualities of somebody/
blame (Verb) : to say that somebody/something is responsible
for something bad
abuse (Verb) : to use something
in a way that is wrong or harmful

(1) industrious (2) indifferent
(3) intelligent (4) energetic

12. (1) industrious (Adjective) :
working hard
diligent (Adjective) : showing
care and effort in your work or
indifferent (Adjective) : having
or showing no interest
intelligent (Adjective) : good at
learning, understanding and
thinking in a logical way about
energetic (Adjective) : having a
lot of energy

(1) amuse (2) welcome
(3) entertain (4) host


(1) scarce (2) slim
(3) sparse (4) lean

(3) sparse (Adjective) : only
present in small amounts or
numbers and often spread over a
large area
dense (Adjective) : thick ;
containing a lot of people, things,
plants, etc.
scarce (Adjective) : available only
in small quantities
slim (Adjective) : thin and
lean (Adjective) : thin and fit

(1) prodigious (2) selfless
(3) extravagant
(4) ostentatious

(3) extravagant (Adjective) :
spending a lot more money than
is necessary
parsimonious (Adjective) :
extremely unwilling to spend
money ; mean
prodigious (Adjective) : very
large or powerful ; colossal ;
selfless (Adjective) : thinking
more about the needs, happiness,
etc. of other people than about
your own
ostentatious (Adjective) :
expensive or noticeable in a way
that is intended to impress people ;

(1) restore (2) liberate
(3) exonerate (4) distract

(2) liberate (Verb) : to free a
country or a person
fetter (Verb) : to restrict
somebody’s freedom ; shackle
restore (Verb) : to bring back to
a former condition, place or
exonerate (Verb) : to officially state
that somebody is not responsible
for something that he has been
blamed for
distract (Verb) : divert ; to take
somebody’s attention away from
what he is trying to do

(1) strife (2) annoyance
(3) cruelty (4) mischief

. (1) strife (Noun) : angry or violent
disagreement ; conflict
harmony (Noun) : a state of
peaceful existence and agreement
annoyance (Noun) : the feeling of
being slightly angry ; irritation
cruelty (Noun) : behaviour that
causes pain or suffering to others
mischief (Noun) : bad behaviour
that is annoying

(1) dispute (2) irritation
(3) separation (4) confrontation

(4) confrontation (Noun) : a
situation in which there is angry
conciliation (Noun) : the act of
pacifying ; the act of making
somebody less angry or more
dispute (Noun) : an argument or
a disagreement
irritation (Noun) : the act of
annoying somebody
separation (Noun) : the act of
separating people or things

(1) truth (2) fact
(3) falsehood (4) story

(2) fact (Noun) : a situation that
myth (Noun) : something that
many people believe but that does
not exist or is false ; fallacy
truth (Noun) : the true facts about
falsehood (Noun) : the state of
not being true
story (Noun) : a description of
events and people that the writer
or speaker has invented in order
to entertain people

(1) pleasingly (2) willingly
(3) satisfactorily (4) happily

(2) willingly (Adverb) : doing/
saying something in a willing
reluctantly (Adverb) : doing/
saying something hesitatingly/not
pleasingly (Adverb) : doing/
saying something happily or with
pleasure or satisfaction
satisfactorily (Adverb) : doing
something in a satisfactory
happily (Adverb) : in a cheerful

(1) instruct (2) induct
(3) conduct (4) mend

(4) mend (Verb) : to repair
something that has been damaged
or broken
mutilate (Verb) : to damage
somebody’s body very severely
instruct (Verb) : to tell somebody
to do something in a formal or an
official way

(1) rejoice (2) rejuvenate
(3) complain (4) cry

(1) rejoice (Verb) : to express great
lament (Verb) : to feel or express
great sadness or disappointment
rejuvenate (Verb) : to make
somebody or something look or
feel younger or more lively
complain (Verb) : to say that you
are annoyed, unhappy or not
cry (Verb) : to yell loudly

(1) love (2) lust
(3) luck (4) loss

(1) love (Noun) : a strong feeling
of deep affection
animosity (Noun) : a strong
feeling of opposition, anger or
hatred ; hostility
lust (Noun) : a very strong sexual
luck (Noun) : good things that
happen by chance
loss (Noun) : the state of no longer
having something

(1) explanation (2) challenge
(3) compromise (4) opposition

(3) compromise (Noun) : an
agreement made between two
people or groups
altercation (Noun) : a noisy
argument or disagreement
explanation (Noun) : a statement
that explains
challenge (Noun) : a new or
difficult task that tests
somebody’s ability and skill
opposition (Noun) : the act of
strongly disagreeing

1. A person with a long experience
of any occupation
(1) veteran
(2) genius
(3) seasoned
(4) ambidexterous

1. (1) veteran
veteran (N.) : a person with a
long experience of any occupation.
genius (N.) : a person who is unusually intelligent or who has a
very high level of skill.
seasoned (Adj.) : a person having a lot of experience of a particular activity.
ambidextrous (Adj.) : a person
who can use both hands equally

2. Words written on a tomb
(1) epithet (2) epigraph
(3) Soliloquy (4) epitaph

2. (4) epitaph
epitaph (N.) : words written on
a tomb
epithet (N.) : defamatory/ offensive/abusive words/phrases
epigraph (N.) : an engraved inscription
soliloquy (N.) : a dramatic
speech; monologue

3. Stealthily done
(1) devious
(2) nefarious
(3) surreptitious
(4) villainous

3. (3) surreptitious
surreptitious (Adj.) : stealthily
done; secretly done
devious (Adj.) : behaving in a
dishonest way
nefarious (Adj.) : criminal
villainous (Adj.) : very evil and

4. Something no longer in use
(1) desolate (2) absolute
(3) obsolete (4) primitive

4. (3) obosolete
obsolete (Adj.) : something no
longer in use
desolate (Adj.) : empty and without people, making you feel sad/
absolute (Adj.) : total and complete
primitive (Adj.) : belonging to
an early stage in the development of humans and animals

5. One not concerned with right or
(1) moral (2) amoral
(3) immoral (4) immortal

5. (2) amoral
amoral (Adj.) : not following any
moral rules and not caring about
moral (Adj.) : concerned with
principles of right and wrong
immoral (Adj.) : not considered
to be good or honest by most people
immortal (Adj.) : that lives or
lasts forever

6. A person who opposes war or
use of military force
(1) fascist (2) pacifist
(3) narcissist (4) fatalist

6. (2) Pacifist
pacifist (N.) : a person who opposes war or use of military force
fascist (N.)(MODIBHAKT) : a person who supports an attitude which is in
favour of strong central government and which does not allow
any opposition
narcissist (N.) : a person who
has the habit of admiring himself too much
fatalist (N.) : a person who believes in fate

7. Severely abusive writing in
(1) imaginary (2) speculative
(3) scurrilous (4) sarcastic

7. (3) scurrilous
scurrilous (Adj.) : severely abusive writing in journals
imaginary (Adj.) : existing only in your mind
speculative (Adj.) : based on guessing/on opinions that have been formed without knowing all
the facts
sarcastic (Adj.) : expressing or expressive of ridicule that hurts

8. Call upon God or any other
power (like law) etc. for help or
(1) invocation (2) involution
(3) inundation (4) revocation

8. (1) invocation
invocation (N.) : Call upon God
or any other power (like law), etc.
for help or protection
involution (N.) : the action of
embracing something
inundation (N.) : the rising of a
body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land
revocation (N.) : the act of cancelling a law, etc.

9. Fear of being enclosed in a small
closed space
(1) agoraphobia
(2) claustrophobia
(3) xenophobia
(4) paranoia

9. (2) claustrophobia
claustrophobia (N.) : an extreme
fear of being in a small confined
agoraphobia (N.) : a fear of being in public places where there
are many other people
xenophobia (N.) : a fear of people from other countries
paraphobia (N.) : a fear of other people when there is no evidence or reason for this

10. One who has become dependent
on something or drugs is
(1) adamant (2) edict
(3) addict (4) derelict

10. (3) addict
addict (N.) : a person who is unable to stop taking harmful
adamant (Adj.) : determined not
to change your mind
edict (N.) : an official order or
statement given by somebody in
derelict (N.) : a person without
a home, a job or property

11. Succession of rulers belonging
to one family.
(1) dynasty (2) lineage
(3) ancestry (4) progeny

11. (1) dynasty
dynasty (N.) : a series of rulers
of a country who all belong to
the same family
lineage (N.) : the series of families that somebody comes from
ancestry (N.) : the family or the
race of people that you come from
progeny (N.) : a person’s children; the young of animals and

12. To cut something into two
(1) severe (2) sever
(3) sewer (4) sow

12. (2) sever
sever (V.) : to cut something into
two pieces
severe (Adj.) : extremely bad or
sewer (N.) : an underground
pipe that is used for carrying,
waste from houses, factories,
sow (V.) : to introduce/spread
feelings or ideas that cause trouble; to plant or spread seeds in
or on the ground

13. Flat metal or Porcelain plate
fixed on a wall as an ornament
or memorial.
(1) tabloid (2) poster
(3) board (4) plaque

13. (4) plaque
plaque (N.) : a flat piece of stone,
metal, etc. with a name and date
on attached to a wall in memory
of a person or an event
tabloid (N.) : a newspaper with
small pages
poster (N.) : a sign posted in a
public place as an advertisement
board (N.) : a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose

14. Act of deceiving somebody in
order to make money.
(1) fraud (2) robbery
(3) pickpocket (4) theft

14. (1) fraud
fraud (N.) : an act of deceiving
somebody in order to make money
robbery (N.) : the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank,
shop/store, person using violence or threat
pickpocket (N.) : a person who
steals money, etc. from other
people’s pockets, especially in
crowded places
theft (N.) : the crime of stealing
something from a person or place

15. A short poem or speech
addressed to the spectators
after the conclusion of a drama.
(1) prologue (2) dialogue
(3) epilogue (4) monologue

15. (3) epilogue
epilogue (N.) : a speech at the
end of a play, book, or film/movie
that comments on or acts as a
conclusion to what has happened
prologue (N.) : a speech at the
beginning of a play, book, or
film/movie that introduces it
dialogue (N.) : conversations in
a look, play or film/movie
monologue (N.) : a long speech
by one person during a conversation that stops other people
from speaking or expressing an

16. Capable of being understood in
either of two or more possible
senses, and therefore not
(1) amphibious(2) ambiguous
(3) amorphous (4) confusing

16. (2) ambiguous
ambiguous (Adj.) : that can be
understood in more than one
way; not clearly defined or stated
amphibious (Adj.) : able to live
both on land and in water
amorphous (Adj.) : having no
definite shape
confusing (Adj.) : a state of not
being certain

1. The flash of the torch.......a
(1) exposed (2) displayed
(3) disclosed (4) revealed

1. (4)revealed (Verb) : caused to
be seen ; shown
exposed (Verb) : made visible
Here, revealed is the right

2. He.......himself a stiff drink
before making his statement to
the police officer.
(1) threw (2) poured
(3) filled (4) sipped

2. (2) poured (Verb) : served a
Here, poured is the right usage.

3. It was his.......that led him to
(1) flamboyance
(2) arrogance
(3) extravagance
(4) ebullience

3. (3)extravagance (Noun) : the
habit of spending more money
than you can afford or than is
penury (Noun) : poverty
flamboyance (Noun) :
arrogance (Noun) : overbearing
ebullience (Noun) : the quality
of being full of confidence,
energy and good humour
Here, extravagance is the right

4. Gita was known to be
nobody entrusted any important
work to her.
(1) joker (2) worker
(3) shocker (4) shirker

4. (4) shirker (Noun) : a person
who avoids doing something he
should do, especially because he
is too lazy
Here, shirker is the right usage.

5. The statue was so.......that
people stared at it in horror.
(1) grotesque (2) exquisite
(3) beatific (4) cumbersome

5. (1) grotesque (Adj.) : extremely
ugly in a strange way that is
often frightening
exquisite (Adj.) : extremely
beautiful or carefully made
beatific (Adj.) : showing great
joy and peace
cumbersome (Adj.) : large and
Here, grotesque is the right

6. He was caught red-handed and
could not.......the charges.
(1) refute (2) refuse
(3) rebuke (4) revoke

6. (1) refute (Verb) : to prove that
something is wrong
rebuke (Verb) : to speak in an
angry and critical way
revoke (Verb) : to cancel
something officially so that it
may no longer be valid.
Here, refute is the right usage.

7. Unhappy about the treatment
meted out to her, Shanti.......
demanded justice.
(1) sumptuously
(2) voraciously
(3) spasmodically
(4) vociferously

7. (4)vociferously (Adv.) : in a
loud and confident manner
meted out (Phr.V) : gave a
voraciously (Adv.) : in a way
that involves eating or wanting
a large amount of food
spasmodically (Adv.) : not
regularly or continuously
Here, vociferously is the right

8. The police sprayed tear
gas.......on the protesters.
(1) indirectly
(2) intensively
(3) indifferently
(4) indiscriminately

8. (4) indiscriminately (Adv.) :
without thinking about the
results of the action, especially
when this causes people to be
Here, indiscriminately is the
right usage.

9. We are happy to.......the receipt
of your order No 4071 dated
(1) admit (2) accept
(3) acknowledge (4) respond

9. (3) acknowledge (Verb) : to tell
somebody that you have
received something that he sent
to you
accept (Verb) : to take willingly
Here, acknowledge is the right

10. All jobs are respectable.......of
their nature.
(1) irrelevant
(2) immaterial
(3) irresponsible
(4) irrespective

10. (4) irrespective of (Prep.) :
without considering something
or being influenced by it ;
regardless of
Here, irrespective is the right

11. Nadheeka was musing ......
memories of the past.
(1) over (2) about
(3) on (4) from

11. (1) muse over (Verb) : to think
carefully about something for a
time, ignoring what is
happening around you
Here, musing is the right usage.

12. The lame boy tried to climb up
the staircase without ...... help.
(1) little (2) any
(3) some (4) many

12. (2) any (Det.) : used with
Uncountable Plural Nouns in
Negative Sentences
Here, any is the right usage.

13. Each school has its own set of
rules ......all good pupils should
follow them.
(1) but (2) or
(3) so (4) and

13. (4) and (Conj.) : used for joining
words or a group of words or
independent clauses without a
Here, and is the right usage.

14. On my return from a long
holiday, I had to ......with a lot
of work.
(1) catch on (2) catch up
(3) make up (4) take up

14. (2) catch up (Verb) %to reach
the same level or standard as
somebody who is ahead of you
Here, catch up is the right

15. Only one of the boys ......not
done the home-work given
(1) have (2) has
(3) can (4) could

15. (2) Only one of the boys
(Subject) is Singular. It will
agree with a Singular Verb. So,
has will be used
Here, has is the right usage.

16. Hopes of a settlement depends
on the ......of the discussion.
(1) findings
(2) outcome
(3) break through
(4) resolutions

16. (2) outcome (Noun) : the result
or effect of an action or event.
Here, outcome is the right

#sentence Improvement
1. On one occasion he persuaded me
to accompany him on a shooting
expedition hewas planning.
(1) has planned
(2) had planned
(3) planned
(4) No improvement


2. We haveno less than a thousand
students in our College.
(1) not less
(2) no less
(3) no fewer
(4) No improvement


3. When she regained consciousness she was stretched in the
ditch out, soaked to the skin.
(1) out in the ditch stretched
(2) on the ditch outstretched
(3) outstretched in the ditch
(4) No improvement


4. Too little is known by this time
about possible side-effects of the
(1) presently
(2) in the end
(3) before hand
(4) No improvement


5. If you want to save money you
must get rid of shopping.
(1) cut down on
(2) get on with
(3) put up with
(4) No improvement


6. The loud and incessant chatter
worries your father who is trying
to concentrate.
(1) aggravates
(2) annoys
(3) irritates
(4) No improvement


7. Not only they went to see a film,
but also had dinner out.
(1) Not only did they go
(2) They didn't go not only
(3) They not only went
(4) No improvemen


8. Birds sit on the boughs of trees in
my garden and with their sweet
notes fill the air with music.
(1) fill their sweet notes in the air
(2) by their sweet notes fill the air
(3) fill the air by their sweet notes
(4) No improvement


9. India will enter the league of major developed nations as a space
giant within a short time.
(1) energy
(2) force
(3) power
(4) No improvement


10. Many a man would welcome the
(1) Many man
(2) A many man
(3) Many a men
(4) No improvement


11. The greater the demand, higher
the price.
(1) high
(2) the high
(3) the higher
(4) No improvement


12. I prefer to ride than to walk.
(1) riding to walking
(2) ride to walk
(3) riding than walking
(4) No improvement


13. The workers went on a strikeasking for better pay and service condition
(1) requesting
(2) demanding
(3) needing
(4) No improvement


14. The newspaper provides more International News than domestic
(1) National
(2) alien
(3) provincial
(4) No improvement


15. The teacher was very angry at his
(1) angry with
(2) angry against
(3) angry about
(4) No improvement


16. He backed out of the agreement.
(1) gave his full support
(2) reconsidered the point
(3) withdrew his support from
(4) went through the back door


1. (2) 2. (3) 3. (3) 4. (1)
5. (1) 6. (3) 7. (1) 8. (3)
9. (3) 10. (4) 11. (3) 12. (1)
13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (1) 16. (3)


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